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Children have experienced LEAD POISONING EXPOSURE from contaminated water in Jackson, MS between 2013 and present day. You may be entitled to significant compensation. Check to see if you qualify now.
Jackson MS Lead Poisoning
Jackson, MS Children Have Been Exposed to Lead Poisoning Due to Contaminated Water Between 2013 and Present Day.
Lead Poisoning From Corrosive Water
Since at least 2013 lead levels in drinking water were already rising, but in 2014, the city of Jackson, Mississippi switched its drinking water from the Maddox Road Well system to surface water, which includes nearby rivers, lakes and streams. As a result, many children were exposed to lead poisoning by drinking, bathing in, and eating food cooked with contaminated water from 2013 to present.
If the water source for drinking water is corrosive, the metal pipes carrying the water may corrode and send copper and lead into the water supply. Unfortunately in Jackson, Mississippi, the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality reported in June 2015 that in 22% of the homes, the drinking water in Jackson contained enough lead that it exceeded the dangerous level of 15 parts per billion. There is no safe level for lead. Once in a child’s bloodstream, lead’s damage is irreversible, often causing brain damage and delaying cognitive development.
Lead Poisoning Symptoms In Children

Signs and symptoms of lead poisoning in children include developmental delay, learning difficulties, irritability, loss of appetite, weight loss, sluggishness and fatigue, abdominal pain, vomiting, constipation, hearing loss, seizures, and eating things that are not food.
Lead poisoning symptoms in newborns and babies exposed to lead before birth might be born prematurely, have lower birth weight, and have slowed growth.

Lead is a neurotoxin that can poison a child’s brain if it is ingested. The effects of lead poisoning are drastic and permanent, and more severe the younger the child. Children that have been lead poisoned suffer from acute learning disabilities; diminished IQ scores; and struggle to stay on grade level as they progress through school. Lead poisoned children are far less likely to graduate from high school, go to college, or get a post-graduate degree than those who aren’t. There is absolutely no cure for lead poisoning.
Time May Be Limited
Our injury attorneys at Chhabra & Gibbs, P.A. are currently investigating Jackson, MS lead poisoning claims. Don’t delay, CALL NOW.
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Free Case Review
If your child received a blood test showing lead in their blood, is showing symptoms of lead poisoning or you believe they may have consumed drinking water containing lead between 2013 and present day, then please complete the above questionnaire provided on this page or call 601-948-8005 at this time. You may be entitled to compensation. Our attorneys will be quick to respond, and the consultation will be free and confidential. Don’t delay. ACT NOW by completing the above questionnaire or by calling 601-948-8005.
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